R.M. of Longlaketon No. 219
Call Us: 306-939-2144
Fax: 306-939-2036
Email:  rm219@sasktel.net

Sale of Supplies

  R.M. Maps    Picked up at the office       $ 9.00
                       Mailed to you                    $11.00
 ​ Grid Road Maps                                     $  2.00
​  History of R.M. Booklet                           $11.00
  History Book                                           $89.00

  R.M. Minutes (mailed)                            $25.00/year
  R.M. Assessment Appeal                       $50.00/appeal
  Tax Certificate                                        $25.00/parcel
  Send/Receive Fax                                   $ 0.25/page
  Photocopy                                               $ 0.25/page

  Mole Bombs                                            $ 9.20/4 pkg
  No Hunting - Cardboard                          $ 2.55
  No Hunting - Cardboard Laminated        $ 4.10
  No Hunting - .032 Gauge Aluminum       $ 6.00
  No Hunting - .012 Gauge Aluminum       $ 3.00
General Government Services
Protective Services
Police Services

 The municipality is serviced by
 the RCMP Southey/Strasbourg
 and Lumsden Detachments.

 Contact Information
 Southey    911 or (306) 726-5230
 Lumsden  911 or (306) 731-4270
Fire Services

 The municipality is serviced by the following fire departments
    Earl Grey Longlaketon

Transportation Services

Custom Work & Rental Rates

 Custom Work
 Dozer                                                $175.00/hr
 Excavator                                         $200.00/hr
 Patrols                                              $200.00/hr
 Packer                                              $100.00/hr
 Tractor & Mower                               $105.00/hr
 Payloader                                         $175.00/hr
 Skidster                                            $120.00/hr
 Tandem Truck                                   $100.00/hr
 Semi and Trailer                               $175.00/hr
 Custom Mowing w/ Operator            $ 50.00/hr

 Minimum custom work charge is $50.00

 Grass Seeder            $10.00/day or $1.00/acre
                                   whichever is greater
 Eco-bran Applicator   $10.00/day  
 Tree Planter/Plastic Mulch Applicator
                                  $50.00/day of useage 
                                  ($200 cash deposit required)
Road Maintenance Agreements

Road Maintenance Agreements are required for any substantial hauling that is done within the municipality.  For more information please contact our office.
Orange Zone Rules

The "Orange Zone" begins when the presence of highway workers or equipment is marked by a sign that displays a black symbol of a highway worker on an orange background.  
Motorists must slow down to 60 km/hr when passing highway workers and equipment.  Drivers who are caught speeding in the orange zone past highway workers and equipment will face hefty fines.
    Exceed 60 km/hr = Base fine of $140 plus $2 per km over the limit
    Exceed 90 km/hr = Base fine of $140 plus $4 per km over the limit
Note: Fines for speeding also apply to drivers who are travelling over 60 km/hr when passing an emergency vehicle or tow truck stopped on the highway or shoulder of the highway.
Dust Control Policy

​The rural municipality provides dust control to ratepayers at their request in the spring of each year.  The total cost of the product and application is to be paid by the ratepayer.
Planning & Development
Environmental & Public Health Services
Weed Control Policy

Saskatchewan Association for Rural Municipalities (SARM) implemented the Invasive Plant Control Program to assist rural municipalities, private land owners and other stakeholders with the costs incurred in controlling Prohibited Weds under the Weed Control Act and also specific Noxious Weeds which are identified as persistent and problematic.  
Pest Control

The rural municipality has a contracted Pest Control Officer that is hired to take all necessary actions to eradicate rats within the municipality.  Rat poison is available, free of charge, and gopher poison is available, at a charge, at the municipal office.
Garbage Collection & Recycling

The rural municipality belongs to the Last Mountain Regional Landfill.  We currently have 3 garbage and recycling collection sites and they are located 1/2 mile East of Silton on SW-29-21-21-W2, 9 miles South of Earl Grey on 
SE-28-21-20-W2, and at Bryn Mawr on SE-29-24-19-W2 .  
    - Cardboard, boxboard, office paper, newsprint, magazines, junk mail, magazines and catalogues
    - Plastic containers, milk cartons & plastic milk - Plastics numbered 1 through 7
    - Tin and aluminum cans - Must be cleaned, with or without labels.

 Council would like to remind ratepayers that misuse of these bins will result in the program ending.  Only bagged
 household garbage is allowed in the red garbage bins and only those recycling items listed above in the blue
 recycling bins.  Please report any misuse to the office.

 The Last Mountain Regional Landfill is now accepting Grain Bags free of charge - bags must be rolled and
Beaver Control

 Beavers are declared to be open hunting within
 the rural municipality, however, a bounty is no
 longer provided from the RM.

 Critter Gitter provides Wildlife Control Services
 throughout Saskatchewan.
Recreation & Culture
Eddy Golf Course

The Eddy Golf Course is located on
the South half of SW-29-23-20-W2.  
Heritage Designations

 - Longlaketon Church
     NE 34-21-21-W2
 - Eddy School
     NW 31-23-20-W2
 - Zion North Southey Lutheran Church
     NE 23-24-19-W2

 - Longlaketon Cemetery                  NE 34-21-21-W2
 - East Fairy Hill Cemetery               SW 04-22-19-W2
 - West Fairy Hill Cemetery              NW 06-22-19-W2
 - Fairy Hill Baptist Cemetery           NW 14-22-19-W2
 - Fairy Hill Presbyterian Cemetery  SW 34-21-19-W2
 - Hornoi Cemetery                          SW 28-22-19-W2
 - Earl Grey Cemetery                      NE 10-23-20-W2
 - Lunner Norwegian Cemetery        NE 34-23-19-W2
 - East Mount Cemetery                   SE 04-25-20-W2
 - North Southey Cemetery              NE 26-24-19-W2
 - Elbourne Cemetery                       NW 28-25-19-W2
 - Forest Lawn Cemetery                 NE 23-20-21-W2
Municipal Well Sites

 There are 3 municipal wells throughout the
 municipality and they are located:
​    SE 17-21-20-W2
    - NE 10-23-20-W2
    - NW 14-23-20-W2
RM Map includes division and electoral boundaries
Please contact the office at rm219@sasktel.net with any building and development intentions.